
With all that is available to our senses in today's 24/7 world I want to use rhyme as a conscious methodology to break through the noise of the everyday. A flashback to the days of the Court Jester where poems and songs were used to present a different perspective to the status quo. Where the person of least power in the court could playfully reach through to the most powerful and rock their world.

As a facilitator, trainer and coach, I believe that we can make organisations more human and change the dynamic of machine over woman and man. By creating sustainable personal power through living a values and purposed based life and using collaborative technology that unlocks our collective intelligence we can make a significant shift. When I reflect on my experience of work and that which my grandchildren will have, I know there is much more to do so here in lies my quest.

who will listen to me says the voice inside
isn’t there a place i can go and hide
stay safe and warm, nice and neat
away from any potential heat

wake up you wimp another cries
are you going to listen to those lies
you were born to be at the same table
time to light up and enable.

enable your voice to speak your truth
breathe it in as you wear your new suit
for the time is now dear friends as we gather
let’s make this a moment that really does matter.
— ©CR Feb 2017. Composed for the opening ceremony of the Women’s Global Social Change Summit

Words to move you